From the Ground Up: CFR's Journey to Success
Co-CEO of Communications for Research (CFR), Colson Steber, joins David Masover on the Driving B2B Sales Revenue podcast to discuss essential moments for company growth and valuable advice for business growth. During his time with CFR, Colson built the company from the ground up. Attributing his success to dependable colleagues motivated by CFR’s goals, he explains the importance of establishing trust with employees for autonomous operation. Like many great businesses, CFR was not always the success that it is today. Colson elaborates on his struggles in the early years, and how finding a trusted partner to join him on the journey towards business development was the key to taking meaningful steps into the future - a future that would eventually produce CFR's sister company, Ag Access with the same business models. Inspired by Mike Weinberg’s Sales Management Simplified, Colson shares how CFR has developed evergreen systems and business strategies providing clients with tailored research logistics services, while also keeping the company running at an optimal level. “I am a relentless optimizer. I think in terms of continuous improvement and how to create systems that will take me where I want to be, regardless of how long it’s going to take.” Colson Steber, CEO of Communications for Research This episode wraps up with Colson’s explanation of how choosing the right business partner can provide the stability needed for real business growth. Focusing on the WHO instead of the HOW expands your business reach and builds a dependable team for a total win! Listen to the full episode with the player on this page, or visit the Driving B2B Sales Revenue Podcast on Apple Podcasts here.